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Karandi is fabric worn during the winter season or in a colder climate. The fabric is a chemical combination of cotton, silk, and wool for the most part. The combination makes Karandi a great choice for winter, as its texture and weight provide warmth while the finish enhances your overall look.
Men’s clothing Collections in Karandi fabric are an acquired taste. No matter what is made out of Karandi, Shawls, Shalwar Kameez, Coats, or scarves, the fabric’s thickness makes the fabric an eastern substitute for Denim. So you can enjoy the warmth of warmer clothes while wearing stylish Eastern Clothing!
UAE is typically known for warmer climates, but the winters can be cold too! Hence keeping a couple of warmer clothing options is the safest thing to do for a rainy or cold day. The Karandi fabrics come in a lot of blends, most are meant for winter, but some blends can even be worn in summer!
Karandi Lawn is your best bet when the climate is neither too hot nor too cold. Stay tuned to check out the Karandi Lawn Sale at Konjae to get the best Karandi Pakistani dresses!
Karandi men's Summer collection is the best place to find Karandi blends for the summer season.
Visit the Konjae online store today to find your best fit!